
IET'17 - Paper Presentation Contest

Two days Workshop on Android
Reach Team Members

Abacus WorkShop

Work Shop on Web Development

Two days Workshop on Android

App Developement - Certificate Distribution

Seminar on Distributed System

Guest Lecture on Compiler Design

Guest Lecture on Compiler Design

Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence

Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence

Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence

IET'17 - Presentation

IET'17 - Presentation

IET'17 - Paper Presentation


Practical session

Principal explaining about networks

Chief Guest Speech

Introduction about the workshop by HOD

Principal speech

Workshop on IOT

Workshop on IOT

Chief guest introduction by HOD

Chief Guest Speech

Clarifying student's doubts in networking

Explaining about Motherboard

Practical session on networking

Principal explaining about the technology

Students attending workshop

Workshop on Hardware Networking

Workshop on Networking