Vision & Mission

Vision of Biomedical Engineering
To develop the Engineering Knowledge, technical skill and provide analytical thoughts in Biomedical Engineering. Encourage creativity, self-learning and innovation components or process that meet desired needs in biology or medicine Evaluate health problems for the human prosperity and society needs.
Mission of Biomedical Engineering
- M1: To emerge engineering principles for improve healthcare industry standards .
- M2: To enrich the learning skills and implement technical ideas for professional development in lifelong process.
- M3: To observe and analyze the equipment’s problem.
- M4: To Train the students with good Practical skills
Scope and Future Prospect
There will be a huge scope in bio-medical engineering until no hospitals are functional. If you are a little business minded you can make a huge profit in the sales section of medical equipment’s.
Bio-medical engineers are employed in industries, hospitals, research faculties of educational and medical institutes, in teaching, and in government regulatory agencies. You have a lot of scope in the servicing section because nowadays it is hard to find engineers for servicing. Just imagine a country and imagine many hospitals, dental clinics, health clinics etc. Nothing functions without medical equipment’s. And every equipment needs periodic servicing.
Immense job opportunities in diverse spheres like medical equipment manufacturing, orthopedic and rehabilitation engineering, molecular, cellular and tissue engineering in public as well as in corporate sectors are available for the biomedical engineers in India. They can also be absorbed in hospitals to provide valuable advice on the status of medical equipment. Biomedical engineers can also engage themselves in research activities by working harmoniously with doctors in the field of computational mechanics, physiology, and medicine and invent cutting - edge technology.
How did Biomedical Engineering evolve?
Biomedical Engineering evolved during the post World War–II period when there was a need for biologists to involve in radar technology. This in-turn prepared them for the electronic developments in medicine in the post-war years. Obviously, a bridge between the gap of technical knowledge and biology was needed. Doctors and biologists with an interest and understanding of engineering became the first Biomedical Engineers.
What does make Biomedical Engineers so Valuable?
Biomedical Engineers use traditional engineering expertise to analyze and solve problems in biology and medicine, providing an overall enhancement of healthcare. Students choose the field of Biomedical Engineering to serve the people, to partake of the excitement of working with living systems, and to apply advanced technology to the complex problems of medical care. Biomedical Engineers work with other health care professionals including physicians, nurses, therapists and technicians. Biomedical Engineers understand the medical problem, the Chemistry and the Biochemistry involved in doing the sensing, yet they also understand the engineering that goes into developing the devices. They have a great ability to interface with all the specialties that come together in the field.