About the Department

Department is approved by AICTE Delhi, affiliated with VTU and ISO 9001-2008 Certified
Year of Inception: 2012
The PG Department of Management Studies offers PG Degree in Management Studies (MBA-Regular-2 Years). This department comes under the administrative jurisdiction of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology, Samayapuram; Trichy.The Institution is affiliated to Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi .
M.B.A (Finance, HR, Marketing, Systems )
The Goal
We focuses on the students who can materialize as great executives of corporate houses. The goal is to produce Executives who can emerge as well-known industrialists, intelligent and competent Administrators and distinctive leader- managers. The goal of the institute is further prolonged to include the developmental perspectives of the students by means of multiplicity of programmes and exercises to assist and develop the logical capability, aptitude to take rapid and valuable managerial decisions, knack to judge the decisions promptly and properly, ability to comprehend their talents and budge upon a meaningful feat for sustained development of the self and the social order.
Academic Schedule At the beginning of every semester, the institute will have an Academic calendar well equipped in order to have an overview of the items.
The Teaching – Learning Process
There is a task to cooperate by both faculty members as well as the students in the institute. The teaching – learning process at the institute conceivably is a novel one analogous to the latest technological know-how and adoptions. Thus the teaching – learning sessions are deemed as a rich experience for the students as well as the teachers of the institute. The sessions are well supported by Group Discussions (GDs), Case Analysis, Paper Presentations, Video Deliberations, Seminars, Management Games, Business Diplomacy, Role plays, In-basket exercises, Industry Quiz and so forth. The faculty members do have scrupulous plan and regimented teaching methods. Every student and staff is given with Lap-top and the teaching is done with the help of Power-point using LCD projectors. The class rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi Internet.
Career Development Programmes
Career Development Programmes are an inclusive part of the institutional development. The students are motivated for upgrading their skills and persona on a customary basis. Particularly, the students are treated and trained for analytical skills, conceptual skills, human skills, leadership qualities and orientations, communication skills and training, skills on presentations, change adaptability skills, interview and interpersonal skills and other personality improvement skills. Apart from the above the students are motivated to advance and update indispensable knowledge on various issues including the most important current affairs. The institutional members also take up attitudinal moulding of the students in order to shape them towards a winning career as well as for invariable growth in their career.
Course Curriculum
The syllabus will be prescribed by the Board of Studies of the University. The University has also laid stress on Value-Added programmes and activities for the development of the students. This includes conducting Seminars, Workshops, Paper Presentations, Business Plans and Quizzes, Video Screening, Management Games and so forth.
Industrial Visit
The industrial visits which play an integral part of the students developmental activities is principally meant to satisfy “experience the reality” concept for the students and make them ready to face the existent situation in organizations. Thus the students are being uncovered to various organizations and companies periodically.
Department of MBA is committed to impart high quality management education to develop the students as competent corporate managers and entrepreneurs. The objective of the department is to sharpen men and women with competence, versatility, enterprise, problem solving ability and strategic perspectives essential to the leaders of business. The programme is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
The students are clubbed under various learning groups which enable them to have a free exchange of ideas. This encourages group discussions, virtues of self-study and to develop communication skills.
Guest lectures and Industrial visits are being arranged periodically to enable the students to gather valuable nuggets of information from leaders of business and industry. This helps the budding managers to have an insight into the challenges and dynamics in the corporate sector.
Seminars, symposia, management week, National Conferences, Entrepreneurship Week etc are regularly organized by the department with the help of industry leaders which expands the horizon of knowledge and give the much needed inputs to the students.
Core Specializations - Dual Specialization Model
- Marketing
- Finance
- Systems
Highlights of Programmes
- A unique opportunity to learn the syllabi by simultaneously practicing the same in real work environment.
- A bridge between industry's requirement and present education system.
- On-the-Job Training with corporate houses
- Development of Holistic Personality.
- Better career opportunities for the students than conventional graduates and post graduates.
- Conducting regular Personality Development Programs (Ambition Orientations, Team structure, Stress administration, Creativity and Innovation).
- Enabling students to become the best management practitioners through practical Learning.
- Regular Industry Interactions with exclusive Q & A sessions with CEOs
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO 1: Excel in their career by acquiring knowledge in Managerial Skills and Leadership Activities.
- PEO 2: Undertake leadership roles in Corporate, business and/or their communities
- PEO 3: Enable to engage in recent professional development and contribute to the economic environment for their society based on the ethical values.
Programme Outcome (POs)
- PO1: To prepare with vision and who will be an instrument of change.
- PO2: To provide the required Knowledge and skills for total growth and development.
- PO3: Possess the skills required to integrate concepts from various discipline to identify and develop business strategies
- PO4: Impart the essential soft skills needed to excel as professionals
- PO5: Demonstrate a global perspective and an awareness of how cultural differences impact business.
DSIT MBA Programme is a Dual Specialization Management Programme, with an opportunity for functional specialization; DSIT aims to fulfill the immediate needs and expectation of the industry by molding the Young Management Graduates with an urge for constant and continuous learning. The Programme is spread over 4 Dual semester equally spread over the 2 Years.
Upon the Successful completion of the MBA Program, Graduate Will able
Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)
- PSO1: An ability to understand, analyze and apply management concepts in the areas related to marketing, human resources and finance for effective and efficient running of the business organization of varying complexity in competitive era.
- PSO2: Produce students to face the marketing challenges present in today’s competitive business environment, which in turn helps the student’s to understand the needs and wants of the consumer both domestic and international marketing strategies.
- PSO3: To enable the students to apply the knowledge of Accounting standards, financial analytical tools, costing techniques etc.