
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology houses a centrally air-conditioned library containing 2313 titles, 18231 volumes of books on a variety of subjects. Many of them are rare & invaluable. The library subscribes to periodicals inclusive of 283 journals national and international journals. We have 684 Non-book Materials.
Our library is fully computerized to cater to the needs of the students and faculty members of the college. Most of the library functions such as issue, return, reservation, searching of books have been automated by installing exclusive ROVAN software. Our library is connected with DELNET (Developing Library Network) New Delhi, through which our students are able to access the records & database of 6300 libraries in 33 States and Union Territories in Indian and eight other countries. It is a major operational Library network in South Asia. It provides access to more than 3 crore bibliographic records of Books, Journal articles etc. in addition to several full text databases as on date.
Our digital library has 10 systems with internet connectivity. We have enrolled as a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi and National Digital Library of India (NDL India).
- Circulation Service
- Reference Service
- Reservation Facility
- Renewal Service
- Inter Library Loan
- Reprographic facility
- Back Volumes / Projects
- New Arrivals Display
On working days | 08.00 A.M. – 07.00 P.M. |
On holidays | 10.00 A.M. – 04.00 P.M. |
- DELNET (Developing Library Network)
- NDL (National Digital Library of India
- NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)
- MOOc(Massive Online Open Course)
S. No. | Library Resources | Total |
1 | Total No. of Books | 18231 |
2 | Total No. of Titles | 2313 |
3 | Total No. of Reference Books | 1315 |
4 | Total No. of Journals | 283 |
5 | Total No. of Back Volumes | 280 |
6 | Total No. of Thesis & Dissertations | 433 |
7 | Total No. of Non-Book Materials | 684 |