Vision and Mission

Vision of the DhanalakshmiSrinivasan Institute of technology
To be a centre of excellence in technical education concurrently focusing on well-disciplined personality through recent technology enabled Lifelong Innovative Teaching Learning Process, research, ethically strong, curricular, co-curricular and training in the field of Engineering and Technology to meet the demands of industrial needs of global standards.
Mission of the DhanalakshmiSrinivasan Institute of technology
- M1: To produce high quality knowledge based graduates by providing an environment that values and encourages current knowledge acquisition, academic freedom, value based education.
- M2: To provide conducive learning environment with additional skills for students based on industry needs to make them entrepreneur and employable.
- M3: To partner and collaborate with industry, R&D institutes through research, consultancy in engineering and management to develop current knowledge and sustainable technologies to serve economically the development of our nation.
- M4: To maintain world class infrastructure with an ambience of humanity, creativity, highly qualified and dedicated faculty.