Aim of the National Service Scheme is “development of the personality of students through community service”. This objective is sought to be achieved by enabling the students to work in community. The programme aims to inculcate social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity.
NSS Objectives
- To enable the students to understand the community in which they work;
- To understand themselves in relation to their community;
- To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;
- To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;
- To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems;
- To develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities;
- To Gain skills in mobilizing community participation;
- To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;
- To develop capacity to meet emergencies and national disasters;
- To practice national integration and social harmony
NSS Outcomes
- The quality of educated manpower is improved by fostering social responsibility
- Moral level of the society is raised to a higher level by preparing students for final dedication in the service of nation
- Introduction of urban students to rural life by living in contact with the community in whose midst their institution is located
- College campus is made relevant to the needs of the community
- Constructive linkage is developed between the campus and the community by supplementing technical education with social and economic reconstruction of the country
- Involvement in the tasks of national development
- Better understanding and appreciation of the problems of the society
- Encouragement Community participation
NSS Logo
The symbol for the NSS has been based on the giant Rath Wheel of the world famous Konark Sun Temple (The Black Pagoda) situated in Orissa, India. The wheel portrays the cycle of creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and space, The symbol thus stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social change.
NSS was formally launched on 24th September, 1969. It is the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate programmes and activities.
- Areas.
- Conduct awareness programme of issues as social problems, education and cleanliness
National Service Scheme (NSS)
1. | Dr. Velmurugan K | Principal | Coordinator |
2. | Mr. Joseph VP | Assistant Professor, Dept. of MECH | NSS PO |
3. | Mr. Piocasmir | Assistant Professor, Dept. Of MECH | Asst. PO |
4. | Mr. Mariappan | Student Representative - Dept. of BME | Members |
5. | Ms. Sangeetha C | Student Representative - Dept. of CIVIL | Members |
6. | Ms. Amalorpava Jefrin A | Student Representative - Dept. of CSE | Members |
7. | Ms. Bagyalakshmi D | Student Representative - Dept. of ECE | Members |
8. | Mr. Manimaran M | Student Representative - Dept. Of EEE | Members |
9. | Mr. Balamurugan U | Student Representative - Dept. of MECH | Members |
Programme : Dengue Awareness
Programme Date : 05.11.2019

Programme : Passport Application
Camp Date : 17.09.2019

Programme : Blood Donation
Camp Date : 27.08.2019

Tree Plantation : Blood Donation
Camp Date : 22.08.2019

Tree Plantation : De-worming
Camp Date : 08.08.2019

Tree Plantation : International Yoga
Camp Date : 21.06.2019